
  • Project #6 - Venn (Assignment)
    • Skills: Methods, Accessors, Mutators
  • Project #7 - Nebula (Assignment)
    • Skills: For Loops
  • Project #8 - Hypnotism (Assignment)
    • Skills: For Loops, Rotation
  • Project #9 - Word Bubbler (Assignment)
    • Skills: Arrays, Strings
  • Project #10 - Snowglobe (Assignment)
    • Skills: While Loops
Coding Quiz #2 - SPAAAACE

  • Create a window that is sized 500 x 500 with a black background
  • Draw 1000 stars in random positions on the screen
    • Each star should be randomly sized between 1 and 3 pixels
  • Draw the word "SPAAACE" (exactly) as follows
    • The middle of the screen
    • It should appear in a random color
    • Uses Impact font, size 100
  • On a click, it resets the screen (new star locations, new text color, etc)...
    • Use a timer with a 10 frame cooldown
    • Holding the mouse down means it should reset every 10 frames
  • Record Time: 3 min 40 seconds by Ben L.
Vocabulary & Concepts
  • Accessor
  • Mutator
  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Definite Loop vs. Indefinite Loop

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